All online jobs are not suitable for all peoples,
suitability depends on personal skills and knowledge. For example, if a
person is good typist, he should select online typing job for himself.
If he decide something else to do online he will not get much
achievement in other online fields.
Now a days a large variety of work is available to
do online e.g online typing jobs, online paid survey, online data entry
jobs, online article writing jobs and online posting jobs etc. If you
are owner of any website its another way of earning online.
Online jobs are suitable for all kinds of people
like students, full time employees (for part time), house wives and
specifically for jobless peoples. One question always arises in the
minds of all online workers i.e. how much one can earn on the internet? there
is no one suitable answer for all online worker, it depends on personal
skills, knowledge and time spent on the internet. One thing i will must
share with you that there is no limit of earning online, one can earn
thousands of dollar per hour depending his/her skills and knowledge.